Though July averaged close to Normal, the month began quite cool as Maximum Temperatures for 3 of the first 6 days remained ≤70°; no day was >80° until the 12th, and the first day to reach ≥85° wasn’t until the 20th. Overall, there were just 5 days reaching ≥85°, only one of these attaining ≥90°, this being the monthly Maximum of 90.2° on the 26th. July Maxima ranged 35.2°, from the High Maximum of 90.2° to the Low Maximum of 65.0° on the 2nd.
Minimum Temperatures were pleasant throughout the month as 28 of the 31 days were ≤60°, with the month’s Minimum reaching 50.3° on the 20th. Overall, 10 days fell to ≤55°. As, usual, Minimum Temperatures didn’t range as much as the Maximum Temperatures – the month’s highest Minimum of 61.7° occurred on consecutive days – the 15th & 16th, these two extremes providing a July range of just 11.4°. The Maximum Diurnal Range was 35.9° on the 20th (86.2°/50.3°) and the Minimum was the 9.2° on the 2nd (65.0°/55.8°), this due to light rain and an unusually heavy cloud cover for this time of year. Splitting the month in two, the Max/Min/Mean Temperatures were thus:
1st-15th – 75.3°/57.1°/66.2°; 16th-31st – 81.2°/55.9°/68.5°.
Though precipitation was a bit below Normal this month, the number of days of measurable rain was above normal with many smaller amounts falling. There were 9 days with measurable rain but all but 2 were <0.10″, the month’s Maximum being the 0.15″ on the 9th, followed by 0.14″ on the 10th – these 2 days providing more than half of the month’s precipitation. Through the first 18 days there was no span of more than 4 days without measurable rain. From the 19th-31st only 1 day of measurable rain occurred, 0.04″ on the 27th.
≥0.25″: 0
≥0.50″: 0
≥1.00″: 0
Sky Cover: July recorded 13 Clear, 12 Partly Cloudy, and 6 Cloudy days.
Only 2 days of fog were observed this month, one of these being heavy (<1/4 mile).
Barometric Pressures ranged from 30.30″ (24th) to 29.88″ (21st).
Relative Humidity peaked at 100%, an unusually high amount for July (occurring on the 10th) to a Minimum of 30% (25th).
Dew Points went from 69° (10th) to 47° (19th).
Link to HAPPY VALLEY-BELLA CASA MONTHLY WEATHER DATA FORM: http://happyvalleywx.weathertogether.net/july-2019/