November 2023 averaged just about Normal, with all 3 official Portland weather stations having Mean Temperature Departures ranging from +0.6° at PDX Airport, +0.1° at the Downtown location (KGW-TV), to -0.1° at the National Weather Service Forecast Office (Parkrose neighborhood). See detailed data for Portland’s official stations at the end of this post.
Here in Happy Valley, the month began rather mild, having 4 consecutive days with Maximum Temperatures >60° from the 2nd-5th but these would be the warmest through the remainder of the month as the next highest Max. was only 56.9° on the 12th. From the 22nd-30th, no Max. Temp. reached >50°. Only 6 days this month reached ≥55° with 10 days remaining ≤50°. The coldest Maximum waited until the final day, reaching only 38.2° under a suppressing cold rain on the 30th.
Minimum Temperatures followed a similar pattern as Maximum Temperatures, mild at the start then falling steadily through month’s end. From the 2nd-6th, Minima hovered around 50° but that was the last of readings that mild. The 52.6° on the 4th was the warmest Min. this November. The season’s first frost occurred back on October 28th but the first freeze didn’t occur until November 24th (27 days later) when it dropped to 30.8°, equaled on the 29th for this month’s coldest readings. Overall, 29 of the 30 days dropped to ≤50°, 15 days were ≤40°, and 2 days fell to ≤32°.
Splitting the month in two, the Max/Min/Mean Temperatures for November were quite different: 1st-15th: 55.4°/45.4°/50.4°; 16th-30th: 48.0°/36.9°/42.5°, the latter-half departures from the first half being -7.4°/-8.5°/-7.9°. The Maximum Diurnal range was 15.9° (55.6°/39.7°) on the 21st, the least being just 4.3° (53.5°/49.2°) on the very rainy 6th.
It was a wet beginning to this November, with measurable rain every day from the 1st-7th, followed by more sporadic, smaller amounts through the 22nd. This was followed by 6 consecutive days of dry weather from the 23rd-29th until one final day of rain on the 30th. The total of 5.93″ from the manual rain gauge (ending at Midnight on the 30th) was 80.6% of the November Normal of 7.36″. The Maximum Observation-Day rainfall came on the 6th with 1.07″ (falling from 07:01 on the 5th through 07:00 on the 6th) while the Maximum 24-hour amount from the automated rain gauge was the 1.30″ from the 3rd-4th. A total of 19 calendar days had measurable precipitation, with 9 of these having ≥0.25″ and 4 days with ≥0.50″.
- 5.52″ Manual Gauge (07:00-Hr Observation Time, covering the period 10/31/2023 beginning 07:01 AM into 11/30/2023 ending at 07:00 AM.
- 5.93″ Manual Gauge (when converting to Midnight-to-Midnight Time Period).
- 5.90″ Automated Gauge (Midnight Observation Time).
- 1.07″ Manual Gauge (6th, 07:00-Hr Observation Time).
- 0.99″ Automated Gauge (4th, Midnight Observation Time)
- 1.30″ Automated Gauge (3rd-4th, Midnight Observation Time)
Total Monthly Snowfall: 0.0″.
Maximum Snowfall Depths:
- 0.0″ (at 07:00 AM Observation Time)
- 0.0″ (at Midnight Observation)
≥0.25″: 9
≥0.50″: 4
≥1.00″: 1
≥0.25″: 9
≥0.50″: 4
≥1.00″: 0
Sky Cover Days: 8 Clear, 12 Partly Cloudy, and 10 Cloudy.
Barometric Pressure: Average Maximum/Minimum readings were 30.20″/30.00″, with the Highest Daily Value of 30.56” (19th), the Lowest Daily Reading of 29.55” (6th).
Relative Humidity: Maximum/Minimum Averages were 93%/73%, having a Daily Maximum of 98% (4th, 5th, 7th-10th, 24th); Daily Minimum of 49% (25th).
Dew Point: Averages were a Maximum/Minimum of 46°/38°, with a Daily Maximum of 62° (4th), Daily Minimum of 26° (29th).
Wind: The Daily Average Speed was 1.5 mph from the N, and the highest Daily Average was 5.3 mph from the NNE (27th); the Daily Average Gust was 13.9 mph and the Highest Gust reached 25 mph from the SW (11th).
HAPPY VALLEY MONTHLY WEATHER FORM: NOVEMBER 2023 (click the month to access a pdf of the form).
For the three official Portland National Weather Service weather stations, here is Temperature and Precipitation data for each location for NOVEMBER 2023:
Data Periods of Record for the three official Portland stations:
- Portland International Airport (PDX) – Period of Record: since 10/1940.
- Portland – Downtown (KGW-TV) – Period of Record: since 1/1871.
- Portland – National Weather Service Forecast Office (WFO) – Period of Record: since 2/1996.
For NOVEMBER 2023, the 3 official Portland stations were near Normal temperature-wise, precipitation from a bit below to a bit above Normal:
NOVEMBER 2023 Max/Min/Mean Temperatures (and Departures from Normal for 30-Year Period 1991-2020):
- PDX Airport: 54.6°/40.9°/47.7° (+1.1°/+0.3°/+0.6°)
- Downtown: 52.2°/41.8°/47.0° (-0.1°/+0.2°/+0.1°)
- WFO: 52.9°/39.9°/46.4° (+0.5°/-0.7°/-0.1°)
NOVEMBER 2023 Precipitation (with Departures, Percentages of Normal for the 30-Year Period 1991-2020):
- PDX Airport: 5.27″ (-0.27″, 95.1%)
- Downtown: 5.67” (-0.91”, 86.2%)
- WFO: 5.30″ (-0.97″, 84.5%)
Portland International Airport (PDX):
- High Daily Maximum Temperature: 68° (2nd).
- High Daily Mean: 58.5° (5th) .
Portland – Downtown (KGW-TV):
Portland – National Weather Service Forecast Office (WFO):
Cover photo: Autumn Colors_2023-11-03