July 2023 averaged quite a bit above Normal in the area, with Maximum Temperatures having greater departures (+2.3° to +4.0°) than Minimum Temperatures (+1.2° to +2.4°), providing overall Mean Temperature departures ranging from +1.7° to +3.2° at the three official Portland weather stations (Downtown, PDX Airport, and Weather Forecast Office – see full data at the end of this post).
Here in Happy Valley, this month began warmer than Normal, with Maximum Temperatures ranging from the lower 80s on the 1st, rising steadily each day until reaching the middle 90s on the 5th (which was the month’s highest temperature of 94.1°). By the 7th, temperatures had cooled to the 70s to low 80s through the 12th before slowly rising to the low 90s from the 14th-16th when dropping briefly to the upper 70s to low 80s before reaching the low 90s again on the 19th. This was the final time this month that the temperature reached ≥90°. From the 20th-31st, temps ranged from 75.3° to 87.9°. This July produced a total of 24 days reaching ≥80°, with 6 of those days attaining ≥90°. On the other hand, 8 days remained ≤80° while 2 of those were ≤75° (the coolest day being 71.7° on the 10th). The spread between Highest and Lowest Maximum Temperatures this month was 22.4°, from 71.7° to 94.1°.
Minimum Temperatures varied by just 11.6° during the month, ranging from 50.1° (1st) to 61.7° (5th). The 61.7° Min. Temp. on the 5th was the only day that failed to fall to ≤60°, with 13 days dipping to ≤55°. Splitting the month into half, the two periods were similar, just a bit cooler during the second half: the Average Max./Min./Mean Temperatures were thus: 1st-16th, 85.2°/56.7°/70.9°; 17th-31st, 82.5°/56.4°/69.4°. The Maximum Diurnal range was 34.7° (92.2°/57.5°) on the 4th, the least being 15.4° (71.7°/56.3°) on the 10th, the only mostly cloudy day of the month.
An extended rainless period beginning on 6/20/2023 ended midday on the 7/24 when 0.01″ fell, ending this dry streak at 34 days, placing it at #5 longest period without measurable precipitation at this location since this station was established on 5/10/2014. Another 0.06″ fell before and a bit after sunrise on the 7/25, providing a monthly total of 0.07″, just 10.4% of the July Normal of 0.67″ for this location.
- 0.07″ (0700-Hr Observation Time (Manual Gauge), covering the period 6/30/2023 at 07:01 AM through 7/31/2023 at 07:00 AM)
- 0.08″ (Midnight Observation Time (Automated Gauge), covering Calendar Days).
- 0.07″ (25th, Manual Gauge’s 07:00 AM Observation Time)
- 0.07″ (25th, Automated Gauge’s Midnight Observation Time)
- 0.07″ (25th, Manual Gauge’s 07:00 AM Observation Time)
- 0.08″ (24th-25th, Automated Gauge’s Midnight Observation Time)
Total Monthly Snowfall: 0.0″.
Maximum Snowfall Depths:
- 0.0″ (at 07:00 AM Observation Time)
- 0.0″ (at Midnight Observation)
≥0.25″: 0
≥0.50″: 0
≥1.00″: 0
≥0.25″: 0
≥0.50″: 0
≥1.00″: 0
Sky Cover Days: 23 Clear, 7 Partly Cloudy, and 1 Cloudy.
Barometric Pressure: Average Maximum/Minimum readings were 30.07″/29.96″, with the Highest Daily Value of 30.20” (25th), the Lowest Daily Reading of 29.79” (5th).
Relative Humidity: Maximum/Minimum Averages were 88%/37%, having a Daily Maximum of 95% (25th); Daily Minimum of 20% (5th).
Dew Point: Averages were a Maximum/Minimum of 62°/50°, with a Daily Maximum of 65° (6th, 15th, 16th, 19th, & 20th), Daily Minimum of 42° (3rd).
Wind: The Daily Average Speed was 0.9 mph from the SW, and the highest Daily Average was 1.2 mph from the NNE (4th); the Daily Average Gust was 11.3 mph and the Highest Gust reached 16 mph from the WSW (15th).
HAPPY VALLEY MONTHLY WEATHER FORM: JULY 2023 (click the month to access a pdf of the form).
For the three official Portland National Weather Service weather stations, here is Temperature and Precipitation data for each location for JULY 2023:
Data Periods of Record for the three official Portland stations:
- Portland International Airport (PDX) – Period of Record: since 11/1940.
- Portland – Downtown (KGW-TV) – Period of Record: since 1/1871.
- Portland – National Weather Service Forecast Office (WFO) – Period of Record: since 2/1996.
For July 2023, the 3 official Portland stations were well-above Normal temperature-wise, precipitation being well-below Normal:
July 2023 Max/Min/Mean Temperatures (and Departures from Normal for 30-Year Period 1991-2020):
- PDX Airport: 85.9°/60.9°/73.4° (+4.0°/+2.4°/+3.2°)
- Downtown: 82.6°/59.1°/70.8° (+2.3°/+1.2°/+1.7°)
- WFO: 85.0°/58.5°/71.8° (+3.3°/+1.5°/+2.4°)
July 2023 Precipitation (and Departures, Percentages of Normal for the 30-Year Period 1991-2020):
- PDX Airport: Trace (-0.50″, 0.0%), tied for 2nd driest (one of 8 other years only receiving a Trace in July, with 1967 reporting 0.00″)
- Downtown: Trace (-0.43″, 0.0%), tied for 7th driest (one of many years only receiving a Trace in July, with 6 years reporting 0.00″)
- WFO: Trace (-0.65″, 0.0%), tied for 2nd driest (one of 3 other years only receiving a Trace in July, with 2017 reporting 0.00″)
Portland International Airport (PDX):
- High Maximum: 98° (5th)
- High Mean: 79.0° (4th)
- The Average Maximum Temperature of 85.9° ranked as #5 all-time warmest
- The Average Minimum Temperature of 60.9° ranked as #4 all-time warmest
- The Average Mean Temperature of 73.4° ranked as #6 all-time warmest
Portland – Downtown (KGW-TV):
- High Minimum: 67° (5th)
- High Mean: 80.5° (5th)
- None of the Monthly Averages for Downtown made the Top-10
Portland – National Weather Service Forecast Office (WFO):
- High Maximum: 97° (5th)
- High Minimum: 62° (25th)
- The Average Maximum Temperature of 85.0° ranked as #7 all-time warmest
- The Average Minimum Temperature of 58.5° ranked as #9 all-time warmest
- The Average Mean Temperature of 71.8° ranked as #5 all-time warmest, tied with 2014
Cover photo: Hydrangea. 2023-07-11