June 2023 Mean Temperatures were just a bit above Normal in the area, with Average Maximum Departures from +1.8° to +3.8° and Average Minimum departures of -0.3° to +0.7° at the three official Portland stations (Downtown, PDX Airport, and Weather Forecast Office – see full data at the end of this post).
The first six days of this month saw Maximum Temperatures rise steadily, beginning with 70° on the 1st, rising to the month’s warmest temperature of 89.8° on the 6th before steadily dropping on the 7th-9th, the latter date of this period being affected by rain and clouds, reaching only 58.9°. Maxima continued this rollercoaster ride from the 10th-22nd before finally becoming mostly steady through month’s end. This June’s lowest Max. was during this period when it only reached 57.9° on the 18th during the second of only two rain events to occur. From the 22nd-30th, Maxima remained in the range of 79.7° to 87.2°.
Minimum Temperatures were more consistent through the month, varying only 14.1°. The month’s coldest Min. was on the 1st day, bottoming out at 42.8°, while this June’s warmest Minimum occurred 6 days later with 56.9°. These temperatures were both the coolest June extreme temperatures in their categories since this station opened in 2014. From the 8th-30th, Minima ranged from 45.2° to 56.5°.
June recorded just 1 day ≥90° (the rounded 89.8° on the 6th) while 19 Max. Temperatures remained ≤80°. All Minimum Temperatures stayed ≤60°, with 26 of these being ≤55°. The greatest Diurnal Temperature Range was 39.2° (89.8°/50.6°) on the 6th, the least being just 5.9° (58.9°/53.0°) on the rainy 9th.
A 30-day rainless streak began on May 9, 2023 and ended late in the day on June 9th as nearly 1/4″ of rain fell on this latter day, continuing through the early evening of the 10th. Another system, unusually strong for June, arrived a week later, bringing nearly 1″ of rain to the area from early on the 18th through the end of the day on the 19th. This system was accompanied by thunder and pea-size hail that whitened the ground in the early evening of the 18th. This was the final precipitation to affect the area through the end of the month as the final 11 days remained dry. The monthly total of 1.13″ was just 49% of the Normal June total of 2.32″ for this location.
- 1.13″ (0700-Hr Observation Time (Manual Gauge), covering the period 5/31/2023 at 07:01 AM through 6/30/2023 at 07:00 AM)
- 1.13″ (Midnight Observation Time (Automated Gauge)).
- 0.64″ (19th, Manual Gauge’s 07:00 AM Observation Time)
- 0.65″ (18th, Automated Gauge’s Midnight Observation Time)
Total Monthly Snowfall: 0.0″.
Maximum Snowfall Depths:
- 0.0″ (at 07:00 AM Observation Time)
- 0.0″ (at Midnight Observation)
≥0.25″: 1
≥0.50″: 1
≥1.00″: 0
≥0.25″: 2
≥0.50″: 1
≥1.00″: 0
Sky Cover Days: 15 Clear, 11 Partly Cloudy, and 4 Cloudy.
Barometric Pressure: Average Maximum/Minimum readings were 30.08″/29.95″, with the Highest Daily Value of 30.23” (20th & 21st), the Lowest Daily Reading of 29.68” (6th).
Relative Humidity: Maximum/Minimum Averages were 91%/43%, having a Daily Maximum of 97% (10th, 19th, 20th, & 21st); Daily Minimum of 24% (5th).
Dew Point: Averages were a Maximum/Minimum of 59°/45°, with a Daily Maximum of 67° (12th), Daily Minimum of 31° (5th & 6th).
Wind: The Daily Average Speed was 1.0 mph from the SW, and the highest Daily Average was 1.5 mph from the W (4th); the Daily Average Gust was 12.0 mph and the Highest Gust reached 19 mph from the WSW (4th)
HAPPY VALLEY MONTHLY WEATHER FORM: JUNE 2023 (click the month to access a pdf of the form).
For the three official Portland National Weather Service weather stations, here is Temperature and Precipitation data for each location for JUNE 2023:
Data Periods of Record for the three official Portland stations:
- Portland International Airport (PDX) – Period of Record: since 11/1940.
- Portland – Downtown (KGW-TV) – Period of Record: since 1/1871.
- Portland – National Weather Service Forecast Office (WFO) – Period of Record: since 2/1996.
For June 2023, the 3 official Portland stations were mostly Above Normal temperature-wise, precipitation being well-below Normal:
June 2023 Max/Min/Mean Temperatures (and Departures from Normal for 30-Year Period 1991-2020):
- PDX Airport: 78.1°/54.8°/66.4° (+3.8°/+0.7°/+2.2°)
- Downtown: 74.7°/53.1°/63.9° (+1.8°/-0.2°/+0.8°)
- WFO: 77.2°/52.5°/64.9° (+3.2°/-0.3°/+1.5°)
June 2023 Precipitation (and Departures, Percentages of Normal for the 30-Year Period 1991-2020):
- PDX Airport: 1.21″ (-0.42″, 74.2%)
- Downtown: 0.78″ (-0.71″, 52.3%)
- WFO: 1.42″ (-0.59″, 70.6%)
Portland International Airport (PDX):
- Low Maximum: 58° (6/18)
- Low Mean: 54.0° (6/18)
- The Average Maximum Temperature of 78.1° ranked as #6 all-time warmest
- The Average Mean Temperature of 66.4° ranked as #8 all-time warmest
Portland – Downtown (KGW-TV):
- Low Maximum: 56° (6/18)
- Low Minimum: 45° (6/19)
Portland – National Weather Service Forecast Office (WFO):
- Low Maximums: 55° (6/18), 64° (6/19, tied with 2012)
- Low Means: 51.5° (6/18), 55.5° (6/19)
- The Average Maximum Temperature of 77.2° ranked as #4 all-time warmest
- The Average Mean Temperature of 64.9° ranked as #10 all-time warmest
Cover photo: Blooming Garden. 2023-06-03